Aglaonema, often called the 'Chinese Evergreen', landed a spot on NASA's top ten list of clear air plants for its ability to remove formaldehyde and benzene from air sources. Native to Southeast Asia, these plants were introduced to the West as an ornamental plant in the late 1800s.
Aglaonema 'BJ Freeman' can grow up to 4 feet tall and 3 feet wide, making it one of the largest cultivars of Aglaonema grown indoors. Notoriously easy to care for, Aglaonema 'BJ Freeman' is an ideal choice for new plant parents.
Aglaonema is a MEDIUM LIGHT plant that can tolerate low light conditions. Place your plant by an East or North facing window, or pulled back 5-10 feet from brighter exposures. Too much light and the leaves of your Aglaonema may begin to curl; not enough and they'll droop.
Aglaonema is a drought tolerant plant with a shallow root system that prefers to dry out between waterings. Give your plant a good drink when the soil is completely dry, or when its leaves begin to wilt slightly.
Plants and pots sold separately!