FALSE ARALIA 10" Grower Pot (2'5" tall)

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Dizygotheca elegantissima doesn't exactly roll off the tongue, so you're more likely to know this plant simply as a False Aralia. There is no other tropical that looks like this uniquely elegant evergreen whose leaves change from a copper hue to dark green as they mature. Though slow-growing, False Aralia can grow up to 5 or 6 feet over a period of many years.


False Aralia need bright, indirect light but are known to tolerate partial shade. Opposite to many other species, leaves will actually be darker when they receive more light... but be wary of direct rays which can burn the delicate foliage.


This species needs consistent moisture so don't let it dry out too far down before another drink. Allow the top two inches of soil to dry before giving a thorough water. You'll know that you're giving too much water if the leaves begin to wilt.

Plants and pots sold separately!


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